As all of us do, aside from his favourites, Billy has his pet peeves as well. If you want our loveable little dog to love you back, you're going to need to know exactly what to avoid in order to not make him think less of you. This list should cover just about all you need to know about Billy`s top five dislikes.
First off, as much as Billy loves vegetables, he hates fruit. Our dog definitely isn't much of a sweet tooth. If you give him a fruit as a treat, you better know that you're not getting any more favourable in this ol' dog's mind!
Unknown. Fruit Bowl Free Clipart . N.d. Web.
Even though Billy loves his walks, he does not like to go out in the rain. On rainy days, Billy can be found moping around all day inside, rolled up in a little ball in his bed until Mr. Sun comes back out. It seems that our little guy is solar powered!
Relaxing Noise. Epic Thunder . N.d. Web.
One of the reasons Billy hates the rain, is his total aversion to getting wet. So, it makes a whole lot of a sense that he hates baths as well. It takes more than one person to try and clean up this little fella, because he keeps trying to escape during bath time!
Unknown. Cast Iron Bath Tubs. N.d. Web.
Billy has the grudge of a lifetime against squirrels. Just one look at one of those tiny, adorable faces drives our Billy absolutely wild. This pet peeve makes a lot of sense considering that Miniature Schnauzers were originally meant to be ratting dogs, and squirrels and rats are rather close in kinship. You can learn more about this in the page titled "Billy's Breed". Below is a picture of Billy's most wanted list...wanted dead or alive!
S.Cooper Digital-Shutterstock These creatures pose difficulties for Germans . N.d. Web.
Finally, here we see a rare photo of Billy's mortal enemy. When this guy is around, Billy is seen on a rampage; trying to attack while whimpering because it is the bravest feat any dog can embark upon. Billy's life goal seems to be to defeat the might Vacuum.
Unknown. Canister Vacuum Cleaner Te-801 . N.d. Web.