Like you and me, Billy is a dog who knows what he likes. Below is a list which describe the things that my wondefully unique dog loves. You should read up on them, so that if you’re ever lucky enough to meet this internet celebrity, you’ll know exactly how to make a good impression. To know what to avoid when being around Billy, you should inform yourself about Billy's Dislikes .
Most dogs favour bones and dog cookies as their treat of choice, however one of Billy's favourite treats are carrots! He can be seen waiting under the table when we are chopping carrots up for dinner, hoping for one of those orange drops of heaven will fall onto the floor for him.
iStockphoto/Thinkstock. N.d. Web.
This is a typical dog favourite, Billy adores going on long walks, smelling the flowers and peeing on every tree in sight.
.Unknown. Working Leather Police Agitation Lead for Mastiff . N.d. Web.
Billy has a favourite orange and blue ball, as pictured below. He is very protective of it and will parade around the house with it in his mouth. He likes to hide it (and protect it) by keeping it in his bed. Sometimes he will just stare at it lovingly, the way that my family looks at him.
Rossi, Katelyn. Ball . 2016. jpg.
Another unique Billy favourite is watching the neighbourhood from his lookout, he jumps up with his paws on the window sill to make sure everything is safe. If he spots a dog or a squirell, or worst of all a mailman, he will starts to jump up and down on his back legs and bark at the intruder.
Rossi, Katelyn. Lookout . 2016. jpg.
Finally, one of Billy's favourite things to do after a long hard day of walks, carrots and keeping our family safe from other dogs and mailmen, is to kick back and relax in his ridiculously oversized bed
Rossi, Katelyn. Billy in bed . 2016. jpg.